Our Blog

Below is a list of our latest blog posts, enjoy!

Photoshop v Lightroom: Which is the Right Photo Editing Software For You?

For serious photographers, it’s important to have access to quality editing software. Whether it’s just a touch-up, or a detailed edit, in order to get the photo ready for a magazine, photographers need to have more control over their photos than ever before. The most commonly used software by digital artists are Lightroom and Photoshop....

How to Use Instagram, 500px & Flickr as a Platform for Your Work

Social media is an essential tool to be used by all photographers. People share their routines, adventures and moments on them at all time. With millions of users all over the globe, it makes sense to use these social platforms to boost your business. After all, that’s where the customers are, it’s free to use,...

The 10 Most Popular Photography Apps for iPhone and Android

Phones have come a long way when it comes to photography. Mobile photography is not just for sharing photos of your food on social media, but is being used by professional photographers as a viable way to add to their portfolio. Its size, portability, quality and ease of sharing are some of the things that...

A Guide to Buying Your Next Camera Lens

To the layman, two different cameras lenses can seem very similar. However, in reality the result can be very different. With the expense in mind, you'll need to ensure that the camera lens that you purchase is the perfect fit for your requirements.  After all, any photographer will agree that it's the lens that makes...

5 Key Steps to Master Panning a Moving Subject

Panning is a photography technique that every photographer hopes to master someday. Panning can be a difficult technique to master and as such takes plenty of patience and persistence to get the hang of. However, don’t be disheartened, you will land the shot eventually! To help you master the art of capturing a moving subject,...

The Top 10 Photography/Video Editing Software You Need to Use

Photoshop is probably the best photo editing program of all time. While it’s true Photoshop is great (and we do have to include it on the list), you have to know exactly what you want out of your photograph to get it, sometimes without much room to explore. In recent years though, plenty of worthy...

Making the Most of Bad Weather: Indoor Photography for a Rainy Day

When the weather is miserable outside it doesn’t mean you need to put down the camera. With a bit of creativity and imagination you’ll discover the household offers up inspiration and opportunity for still life, portraiture and more. Here’s some of the top ideas for shooting indoors. Exposure to flame The fireplace, candles, tealights, all...

Everything You Should Know Before Buying Your First Camera

Sure, everyone now has a camera on their phone, but maybe it’s time to start thinking about taking better pictures. Phone cameras are fine for group poses and selfies, but when you want to perfectly capture a moment or a scene, there’s nothing better than a camera on its own with all the features that...

How to Create a Winning Online Photography Portfolio

If you’re creative, having an online portfolio to showcase your work is essential. Not only will it ensure that you have a platform from which to present your work to the world, but it will also assist you in connecting with potential clients and employers, while building your personal brand. Building a portfolio can be...

The Top 4 Smartphone Cameras on the Market

For capturing life’s big events, or even for some of those more special, intimate moments, a high quality camera is always good to have in hand. Sometimes it’s just not practical to reach for our digital SLR camera or keep it at the ready 24/7. This is where a high quality camera on your smartphone...